Thursday, March 14, 2013

Super Mom? Say What?! Kaili Post

What is a super mom? Honestly, I have no idea! I have been a mom for about 8 years, and it started out in an UN-traditional way. I first became a mom to a cute, blue eyed, blond haired little girl. Our first encounter was at a baseball field, and she was going through my  purse. Taking out every item she could possibly get her tiny, chubby fingers on. She was roughly 14 months old, shy but observant.

I ended up marrying this little girls Daddy, right before her 2nd birthday. Boy, was I scared. I didn't know how it would be once we became a family. Would I be an OK mom? Would I know what to do or say? Would I get frustrated too quickly, or let her get away with too much? I didn't know.

There were times where I would lock myself in the bathroom and just cry, because I didn't know how to relate and fit in. Then one day she just started calling me Mom. We had never told her that is what she should call me, she just decided to do it on her own, and something clicked. I decided that yes I am a type of mom to her. No, I didn't give birth to her, No I didn't rock her to sleep at night when she was an infant. I didn't know what kinds of baby food she liked or ate, and no I will never take the place of her MOM, but I am the other mom, the second mom, and that is OK with me.

There were things I did know, I did know exactly how she wanted me to play house with her, I did know to always have my  purse ready for her to examine the contents, I figured out quickly to buy her some of her own purses. I did know what songs she liked me to sing her to bed at night, what her favorite movies were, and I taught her to say the word purple.

She has grown up with two lives, two dad's, two mom's, different siblings, and she has come out of it as normal as any kid I know. It is what she knows, it is her life. She is a creative, funny, smart, sweet, girl. She is also stubborn, observant, strong willed and picky. And I would not have her any other way.

I realize the older she gets the more she watches me, observes what I say and do, and I have asked myself many times, am I the kind of person I want her to strive to  be like? Maybe sometimes, but not all the time.

I wanted to start this blog to document those little moments in my life, that I may forget to write down or remember. I am not special, or better than any other mom or woman out there. I do believe we each have a story that is unique and is written purposely for each of us. Always new chapters are unfolding, and plots changing, pages rewriting themselves, and I wanted to share what I could, and what I have to offer with whomever is willing to read it.

This cute little girl is not so little anymore and is turning NINE on March 17. I am thankful for her in my life, and I appreciate what she has taught me this far!

She is growing up so fast! I love you Kaili! Thank you for letting me be a part of your life! Happy 9th Birthday!

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